Improve Employee Performance by Following These 7 Steps (Part 1 of 5)

One of the more difficult conversations to have with an employee is any one that involves discussion how their performance needs to improve. There are huge emotional walls many managers need to get over to be effective managers of employee performance. Many managers are fearful they will hurt the employees’ feelings or make them cry. Other managers struggle because they …

List of Organizational Values

Accountability — We are responsible for our actions, which, in turn, influence our customers, vendors and coworkers. We hold ourselves and each other to a high standard of accountability. Balance — We create a work environment that promotes healthy lifestyles and celebrates family-work balance for employees. Biblical Principles — We are a company founded on Biblical principles, therefore, all we do we …


5 Reasons You May Stink at Hiring

I have been consulting with small business owners on hiring and culture issues practices since 2000. The vast majority of business owners are quite brilliant. All of them enjoy a sliver of expertise that sets them apart and makes them successful. They know a little about many things and a lot about the niche within which they have built their …

5 Reasons It’s Hard to Recruit Good Sales Managers

  In 1993 I took over a failing office for Auto Trader Magazine. I was a young 32 year old General Manager full of ambition and drive. Soon after arriving I evaluated the sales team. My conclusion was simple. We had 5 sales people and needed 12. And I needed a leader. The sales team needed a sales manager to train them and hold …

4 Ways to Unleash the Power Within You

Think about how successful you could be if you tapped into the limitless resources that you possess to become innovative, responsive and results oriented. After twenty five years in sales and sales management I have discovered the forces that work against us originate from within. These restraining forces keep us from excellence. They leave us with excuses and weak justification for subpar performance. You know …

5 Things to Look for When Reading a Resume

We live in a day and age when many candidates have access to professional resume writers. I have referred business to an extremely talented one here in Louisville. She is talented with high integrity. Unfortunately many candidates blend a mixture of fact with fiction when writing their resume. And then when handed off to a professional resume writer the proverbial …